Sad Quotes in Hindi for Whatsapp Status


Just like two sides of one coin, we also have happiness and sadness in our life. In today’s era, Whatsapp status has become quite popular, and most of us like to share status with their friends on this platform. Many times status images reflect our mood. And when we are sad, we like to put some heart touching lines in status. So, today’s, we are here with some sad quotes in hindi for whatsapp status, which you will love to post. Be ready to get an amazing collection of status.

Part 1. Sad Quotes in Hindi for Whatsapp Status

1. Many people have tested me but no one can understand me

2. Everyone asks, only one does not ask the one who has to tell

3. Sometimes there are many things to tell, but no one is going to listen

4. How difficult it is to call a broken soul from inside

5. Even before we were alone, do not know why you feel lonely after you are gone

6. So much that you have forgotten me, never thought to leave everything and went out to get your love

7. Even before we were alone, do not know why you feel lonely after you are gone

8. Every day I dream of the life I thought I would live with

9. My hands burned with the same lamp, which I gave the child with the wind

10. I am trying to erase your name by writing, trying to entertain my heart

11. Do not change yourself to get someone, one day they will change you and change themselves

12. It hurts a lot, friends, when you fall in love with others

13. A mistake has happened, sir, I have understood love

14. If you want to be, then become a pain medicine, anyone gets the wound

15. Unnecessarily in a new cries of love, who wants more than life makes him cry

16. It is new that now she comes to my street, but now she tells me that she is new

17. You come back soon, people say that those who talk to themselves are crazy

18. There is a number in my contact list that is not allowed to call and message

19. Do not give up loving someone, he is a human being too he has trouble

20. Do not check his last scene, he will not message even if he is online

21. I am alive with the hope that one day you will come back.

22. If I can't, then do something that we were the way we were.

23. Man cries for what is in the heart

24. What happened if you broke your knight, you still remain in the contact list

25. Now it has become a habit, give you pain and we will suffer

26. People do not love if they love too much

27. Once you get out of your heart, even standing in front, you do not see.

28. Trying to forget you, but don't know why the whole work is trying to remind you

29. Far be it from you, the only difference is, nothing is yours, nothing is mine.

30. It hurts so much you miss me but don't remember

31. The one who loves me the most, I have the most power to make me cry

32. Doing what comes in the heart is just a request, do not love someone incomplete

33. It did not take time to get used to you, you will pass in forgetting me.

34. Some such accident also gives life, that a person survives but does not know life.

35. I would not have met you better, at least I would have slept better at night.

36. I forgot you will not be able to live, even if you remember I will die

part 2. Sad Love Status Hindi Quotes 50+ lines

1. There is a lack of understanding, everyone comes to understand.

2. O heart, show some courage, both will try to forget it together

3. I did not find anyone like you, but the problem is that you also did not get

4. How can I forget that, death comes to humans and not to memories

5. I have no problem with people who don't like me, trouble is with those who pretend to like

6. He had a dream that he should love me like me, but he is a dream

7. Silently lost trust we had in him

8. Thought this life is strange, something happened and something got

9. Pan tried a lot, but he has a line that does not come in his hands

10. Foil is in the sea or in the eyes, no one can know the depth and the secret

11. Learn to trust in yourself, no matter how true you are, you leave one day

12. You are that lack of life that will never fill

13. Do not know whether you are conscious or unconscious, but be very silent after thinking

14. God has formed a very strange relationship, the one who cried the most, who has played with great courage

15. It is not my nature to change, otherwise I also know to change

16. Now the bitterness of sweet words is being understood, life has taught all this

17. Have seen life very closely, faces are starting to look strange

18. Those who are in luck will come away, those who are not, will also come close

19. To help in happiness and sorrow, one can learn from flowers, be it marriage or funeral.

20. Eyes also get hurt when someone ignores them.

21. Life has to go so far, alone in pain and all the time in happiness

22. Life should only live on its own, only people are raised on the shoulders of others

23. Lina should come to enjoy life, time keeps enjoying us.

24. Some strangers are sitting in the heart carrying disease, some mean people are sitting in life

25. Every day, even after falling, I stand safe, my life is bigger than yours

26. Do not take advantage of anyone's help, friends, sometimes life gives opportunities and sometimes deception.

27. Life is not easy, it has to become easy, some with 'guess' and some with 'glance'

28. How strange are the lines of the hands, but they are not in control

29. There may be love again in life, just need encouragement to be ruined again

30. One way love is very difficult, one does not care at all and the other's heart cries a lot

31. Solution, everyone asks, just don't ask what they want to tell

32. While I am laughing, I am not able to smile even as I am

33. We must have lost those memories, we may have cried with open eyes.

34. He is very much wanted by someone who cannot be found, cannot bring anyone in his thoughts

Part 3. Get WhatsApp Status download on VidMate

Whatsapp is the booming app that most of us love to chat and stay connected with your friends and loved ones. One more trend that is very common on Whatsapp is status. You may have posted a different status on your Whatsapp account until now. So what if you will get a great collection of Whatsapp status with different moods in one application. Vidmate is one of those applications which can fulfill different types of status such as sad quotes in hindi for whatsapp status with a few clicks.

Let's see step by step guide to get status on the Vidmate application.

Step 1: From your mobile download, open the Vidmate application and open it.

Step 2: Search for whatsapp status of different moods via the search bar.

Step 3: Click on a status to open it.

Step 4: Click on the download option.

Step 5: Select the video or image pixel quality and click download again.

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